1. What is Call for Abstracts?
The Call for Abstracts serves as an invitation for individuals and organisations to submit proposals for presentations, papers, and posters. These submissions will be reviewed for potential inclusion in the WGC2025 Industry Insights and Technology & Innovation Centre sessions.

2. Who can submit abstracts for WGC2025?
Abstract submissions are open to professionals, researchers, academics, and industry experts globally, who are actively engaged or possess expertise in the gas and energy sector.

3. What topics are suitable for WGC2025 abstract submissions?
Abstracts covering various aspects of the natural gas and energy industry are welcome, encompassing topics but not limited to exploration, production, transmission, distribution, technology, environmental sustainability, and policy. For more detailed information on these seven abstract themes, please refer to the website here.

4. How to submit an abstract?
You can submit your abstract on the Call for Abstracts portal here.

5. Can I submit an abstract via email?
All abstracts must be submitted through the online portal, no email submissions are accepted.

6. When is the deadline for abstract submissions?
The deadline for abstract submissions is Monday 30 September 2024. Late submissions will not be considered, therefore, please ensure to review the timeline and submit your abstract before the specified deadline.

7. What are the judging criteria for abstract and its awards?
Abstracts are assessed based on their originality, quality, objectivity, and relevance to the conference themes. Assessment criteria encompass innovation, significance, clarity, and the overall contribution to advancing knowledge within the natural gas industry. Details on the criteria can be found here.

8. Can I submit more than one abstract?
Yes. Multiple abstract submissions are permitted, as long as each adheres to the guidelines and addresses a related topic.

9. What is the language accepted for WGC2025 Call for Abstracts?
All abstracts submitted to WGC2025 must be in English language only.

10. Is there a registration fee for submitting abstracts?

Submitting an abstract is free of charge. However, if your abstract is accepted, you must register for the conference as a speaker. WGC2025 speakers are eligible for 20% off the Standard Fee.

11. When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?
Notification of acceptance / rejection for abstracts will be released from Wednesday 6 November 2024.

12. When will I need to submit my full paper? 
If your abstract is accepted, you will be required to submit the full paper of your abstract between Wednesday 6 November 2024 to Thursday 16 January 2025.

13. Can I make changes to my submitted abstract?
The review process for WGC2025 abstracts commenced on 22 April 2024, Monday. If you need to modify a previously submitted abstract, please log in to the submission portal. If the "EDIT" button is accessible, you can still make revisions. However, if the "EDIT" button is not visible, your abstract has already undergone review, and further alterations are not permitted. Should you wish to amend your abstract, you may withdraw the submission and resubmit.

14. Are there any awards for outstanding abstract submissions?
Yes, we will be recognising outstanding abstract submissions with awards in various categories. Stay tuned for more details on the awards criteria and how to qualify.

For any further enquiries regarding Call for Abstracts, please contact us at abstract@wgc2025.com

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